Sabbir Ahmed

I am working as an Assistant Professor in the Dept of CSE at Islamic University of Technology (IUT). At present, I am a member of the Computer Vision lab, advised by Prof. Hasanul Kabir. Before that, I received my M.Sc. and B.Sc. (Gold medalist) in CSE from IUT, respectively, in the year 2022 and 2017.

My current research is in improving few-shot learning algorithms for image classification tasks. Besides, I've worked with different applications of deep learning in the fields of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, such as, leaf disease classification, gait analysis, traffic sign detection, text summarization, handwritten digit recognition, etc.

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Sabbir Ahmed
Selected Publictions [out of published Journals(05), Conferences(20), and Preprints(04)]
(full publication list)
Poster Image

A Vision-Language Multimodal Framework for Detecting Hate Speech in Memes
Shahriar Ivan, Tasnim Ahmed, Sabbir Ahmed, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
CCECE, IEEE, Canada | September 2024

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Decoding depression: Analyzing social network insights for depression severity assessment with transformers and explainable AI
Tasnim Ahmed, Shahriar Ivan, Ahnaf Munir, and Sabbir Ahmed
Natural Language Processing Journal, Elsevier | June 2024

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Unveiling the essence of poetry: Introducing a comprehensive dataset and benchmark for poem summarization
Ridwan Mahbub, Ifrad Khan, Samiha Anuva, Md Shihab Shahriar, Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar, and Sabbir Ahmed
EMNLP-main | [paper] / [GitHub]

NERvous About My Health: Constructing a Bengali Medical Named Entity Recognition Dataset
Alvi Khan, Fida Kamal, Nuzhat Nower, Tasnim Ahmed, Sabbir Ahmed, and Tareque Mohmud Chowdhury
EMNLP-findings | [paper] / [GitHub]

BanglaCHQ-Summ: An Abstractive Summarization Dataset for Medical Queries in Bangla Conversational Speech
Alvi Khan, Fida Kamal, Mohammad Abrar Chowdhury, Tasnim Ahmed, Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar, and Sabbir Ahmed
EMNLP-BLP workshp | [paper] / [GitHub]

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Improving Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation using Dynamic Kernels
Tauseef Tajwar, Muftiqur Rahman, Taukir Azam Chowdhury, Sabbir Ahmed, Moshiur Farazi, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
DICTA Conference, IEEE, Australia | December 2023

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GaitGCN++: Improving GCN-based gait recognition with part-wise attention and DropGraph
Md. Bakhtiar Hasan, Tasnim Ahmed, Sabbir Ahmed, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier | July 2023

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Rethinking Cooking State Recognition with Vision Transformers
Akib Mohammed Khan, Alif Ashrafee, Reeshoon Sayera, Shahriar Ivan, and Sabbir Ahmed
25th ICCIT, IEEE, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh | December 2022

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Recognizing Bangladeshi Traffic Signs in the Wild
Ahmed Nusayer Ashik, Md Saimul Haque Shanto, Rizwanul Haque Khan, Md. Hasanul Kabir, and Sabbir Ahmed
25th ICCIT, IEEE, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh | December 2022

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Two Decades of Bengali Handwritten Digit Recognition: A Survey
A.B.M. Ashikur Rahman, Md. Bakhtiar Hasan, Sabbir Ahmed, Tasnim Ahmed, Md. Hamjajul Ashmafee, Mohammad Ridwan Kabir, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
IEEE Access | August 2022

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Less is More: Lighter and Faster Deep Neural Architecture for Tomato Leaf Disease Classification
Sabbir Ahmed, Md. Bakhtiar Hasan, Tasnim Ahmed, Md. Redwan Karim Sony, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
IEEE Access | June 2022
[paper] / [code]

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Livestock Management With Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review
Mohammed A Alanezi, Mohammad S Shahriar, Md. Bakhtiar Hasan, Sabbir Ahmed, Yusuf A Shaaban, and Houssem REH Bouchekara
IEEE Access | April 2022

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CSVC-Net: Code-Switched Voice Command Classification using Deep CNN-LSTM Network
Arowa Yasmeen, Fariha Ishrat Rahman, Sabbir Ahmed, and Md. Hasanul Kabir
10th ICIEV, IEEE, Kitakyushu, Japan | August 2021
[paper] / [code]

Reviewer Experience
IEEE Access (6) (Q1)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (1), Elsevier (Q1)
Connection Science (1), Taylor & Francis (Q2)

(Stolen from this website)